Nate’s 10 Words on Spy Kids
“This movie used to scare me, but it doesn’t anymore.”
“This movie used to scare me, but it doesn’t anymore.”
Outside of Hannibal Rising, this is easily the weakest entry in the Hannibal Lecter film lore. And nowhere nearly as good as the TV series that shares its name. However, Hopkins is as chilling as ever. A handful of graphic scenes and makeup help raise it up a bit, but all in all, the suspense isn’t there and …
Before Will Ferrell was a leading man, he was a scene-stealer and this movie is a prime example. This film perfectly balances the line between silly and clever. It is still the best pairing of Stiller and Wilson. Jam-packed with irreverent humour, spot-on sight gags and plethora of winning cameos including David Bowie, David Duchovny and …
First off, I will admit, Sean Penn is excellent as the lead. However, I hate this movie. Overwrought with forced sentiment and musically cued pulling of heartstrings. I know this movie moves a lot of people to tears, but the only thing it induces out of me is groaning.
A graphic and exciting re-telling of the Jack The Ripper mystery. A very cool 19th century police procedural. While this is only one of many theories of the true identity of the Ripper, it seems very plausible. Johnny Depp and Ian Holm are excellent. Not for the squeamish.
Some state troopers fight the local police to solve a crime in order the save their jobs. This is a modern comedy classic. When a managed a video rental outlet, we used to quote this movie endlessly. So many funny, funny lines and scenes. It does lose a little steam towards the end, but the …
One of the most atmospherically creepy movies I have ever seen. The tone is set earlier with subtle chills dropped during the slow build which leads to a sensational climax. Spot-on performances from the terrific ensemble. This is among a handful of movies that leave me with an indelible sustained sense of fear after each …
A better than most slasher film featuring an unstoppable, supernatural-like mass murderer. Creative back story for the killer and for his reasons to kill. Multi-layered and believable performances from the likable leads. Features some graphic set pieces and deaths. Great creature design.
1. No Man’s Land 2. Gosford Park 3. Beautiful Mind, A 4. Frailty 5. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone Just Missed The Cut: Black Hawk Down, Donnie Darko, Ghost World, The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, Storytelling Need To See: Amelie, Lantana, Monster’s Ball, Spirited Away, Y Tu Mama Tambien …
From the director of Ghostbusters comes Alienbusters. Good premise, good director, good cast, wasted opportunity. Decent effects, but the laughs are few and far between.