Nate’s 10 Words on X-Men: Days Of Future Past
“I thought the slo-mo scene with Quicksilver was pretty cool.”
“I thought the slo-mo scene with Quicksilver was pretty cool.”
“I would like to have Banshee’s powers and X-Men suit.”
“I liked when Magneto moved the bridge across the ocean.”
“It was funny when the cat calmly licked Wolverine’s blades.”
“It’s funny when Wolverine says to Cyclops, you’re a dick.”
“I would like to have the same powers as Vision.”
“Favourite Line: ‘What’s not damaged?’ ‘Air conditioning is fully operational.’”
“I liked when Loki’s illusion turned Thor into Lady Sif.”
“My Favourite Line: I loved you in A Christmas Story.”
“I liked when The Avengers got the shawarma Stark wanted.”