Nate’s 10 Words on Thor: The Dark World
“I liked when Loki’s illusion turned Thor into Lady Sif.”
“I liked when Loki’s illusion turned Thor into Lady Sif.”
If there was ever a movie that could benefit from a remake, it’s this one. That being said, this film is still campy fun. The story and concept is very intriguing, but in better hands and a more capable lead, it could really excel. Some of the dialogue is very wooden with a performance from …
“I liked when Thor wanted a horse from the pet-shop.”
“I like the toys under the couch and the derpy-sheep.”
“I liked when Babs got soaked by Buster’s water gun.”
I first saw this movie at a midnight screening, opening day. Initially, I thought it was pretty awesome. It effects blew me away, but upon further viewings the effects fade and you start the hear the terrible dialogue. My least favourite character, Dusty. Because of this role, it took me a long time to come …
“I like when the blue one makes a super-long name.”
Easily one of my all-time favourite westerns. Sprawling, epic and exciting. Tremendous ensemble. However, Val Kilmer, Powers Boothe and Stephen Lang are far and away the stand-outs. Be sure sure to check out of the director’s cut for even more Kilmer.
“I like that Lotso’s pink fur smells like real strawberries.”
A botched medical experiment causes a priest to contract vampirism and now he has to battle his beliefs in order to stay alive. Moody and layered vampire flick from the director of Oldboy. I love the juxtaposition between the two vampires and their views on killing and the humour it creates. Outstanding performances by the …
Thirst (2009) – Quickie Review: 31 Nights Of Horror – Day 27 / Film #2 Read More »