Nate’s 10 Words on Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb
“I like it when the sun melts the knight’s nose.”
“I like it when the sun melts the knight’s nose.”
“I like when the pug finds the stick of dynamite.”
“I like when both monkeys slap Larry across the face.”
“I like when the monkey slaps Larry across the face.”
A group of touring illusionists are using their performances to pull off heists and then they reward their audiences with the loot. I’ve always been a sucker for a good heist movie and then when you throw in a magic twist, I’m hooked. Very entertaining, but implausible, comedic thriller. Likable cast and it keeps you guessing all …
Insanely twisted and unsettling suspense thriller. It has been a while since I’d last since it and I forgot just how much I enjoyed it. Continually intense, keeps you guessing all the way through. Delightfully disturbing with a sly sense of humour. Stellar cast including Brad “f’ing” Dourif.
This has the Fulci gore, sleaze and cinematography you know and love, but this one just didn’t grab me story wise. And a killer who impersonates a duck? I mean, c’mon. Just too hoaky for me.
A ruthless gang kidnaps a travelling couple and the gang soon finds out that they made a grave mistake. From the director Midnight Meat Train comes another gorefest that earns its R rating. Mean, brutal, gruesome and darkly comic. If this movie came out 40 years ago, it would now be deemed a grindhouse classic. This …
No One Lives – Quickie Review: 31 Nights Of Horror – Day 19 / Film #1 Read More »
Showing this video is about the most PC I can get when describing this movie. While it doesn’t sum up the whole film, it’s a fair comparison to one scene in particular. Just replace the brownie with a decomposing corpse. Brownie Husband – Saturday Night Live by konbini
An okay documentary about various people suffering from sleep paralysis and end up envisioning that they are being visited by shadowy figures. Interesting subject matter told through interviews and reenactments. The thought of the reality is much scarier than the film’s execution. Hoped for better.