Galaxy Quest – Quickie Review
One of my all-time favourite comedies. It’s still fresh. I still laugh as much and as hard as I did the first time I saw it. Tremendous ensemble with Alan Rickman and Sam Rockwell being the standouts.
One of my all-time favourite comedies. It’s still fresh. I still laugh as much and as hard as I did the first time I saw it. Tremendous ensemble with Alan Rickman and Sam Rockwell being the standouts.
No need to sugarcoat, this movie is a piece of shit to the highest caliber. Like one of the glorious ones that could be described in a version of The Aristocrats joke. No less than 5 people walked out of the advanced screening that I was attending and the theatre wasn’t very full to begin …
“Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid” – A Review of The Gallows Read More »
The first half is your A-typical action flick with character introductions. The second half turns on a dime and becomes reminiscent of an ’80s action film. Over the action, gratuitous violence. Great stuff, great dialogue for the genre.
Best hockey movie outside of Slap Shot, hands down. Liev Schreiber is so authentic.