Quote of the Day – February 1, 2021
“I never seen so much wool. You could knit a sweater.”
“I never seen so much wool. You could knit a sweater.”
“I’m back! I don’t care if it’s a DC movie! I love cameos!” “Not now, Stan Lee!” “Excelsior!”
“I’m not the man they send in to negotiate, or the man they send to make deals. But I am the man people talk to.”
“Empty what is full. Fill what is empty. Scratch what itches.”
“Nothin’ happened the way it was supposed to happen.”
“The perfect con is one where everyone involved gets just what they wanted.”
“We just broke into Tom Brady’s house and tried to jerk him off – you’re ready to be a parent.”
“I’m Leo Getz, and whatever you want, Leo gets.”
“No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry. I trust you know that.”
“Who you run loads for? Cause other than Nicholas, who the fuck knows you?” “My mommy and daddy know me…”