Shallow Ground – Quickie Review
Ultra low budget, ultra violent movie. Starts off with a bang, but slowly goes out with a whimper. The script ranges from clever to contrived, but there’s enough originality to hold one’s interest.
Ultra low budget, ultra violent movie. Starts off with a bang, but slowly goes out with a whimper. The script ranges from clever to contrived, but there’s enough originality to hold one’s interest.
When it comes to the Saw franchise, it has always been about the traps. The better the traps, the better the movie. And this movie has some doozies. The traps make the script secondary so when there’s a decent story, that’s a bonus. This story works. However, like Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter, I …
Saw: The Final Chapter – Quickie Review: 31 Nights Of Horror – Day 14 / Film #4 Read More »
This movie is way too long and way too convoluted. I’m sure the game of which it’s based is very expansive so it was hard to condense it fluidly. The art direction is great and it looks gorgeous. And there’s a little bit of blood in it. Of all the crazy imagery and events in …
Silent Hill – Quickie Review: 31 Nights Of Horror – Day 13 / Film #4 Read More »
A cult lead by a Charles Manson-like figure is on a murdering spree. This movie is terrible from the awful dubbing, to the amateurish editing and continuity errors and to the audacious attempt to make the audience like as though they’ve just witnessed a real murder at the end of the film. The whole movie …
Snuff – Quickie Review: 31 Nights Of Horror – Day 13 / Film #2 Read More »
Classic camp slasher flick with a twist ending most people already know about, but just in case I wouldn’t mention the thing. Very progressive for the time. Some suggestive deaths, but not graphic by today’s standards. Also, what’s up with dudes in half shirts in the ’80s?
An opera of ooze is the best way to describe this movie. Tainted alcohol makes its way thru the homeless community which causes people whom consume it to melt and/or explode in a vast array of colours. This is not a good movie, but its absurdness and gooey special effects takes it to another level. …
Street Trash – Quickie Review: 31 Nights Of Horror – Day 7 / Film #1 Read More »
“I like when the kids, especially Freddy, pretend to be sick.”
Upon hearing the news of Mr. Craven, I rewatched this having not seen it for many years. I did it with a bit of trepidation caused by the multitude of meta movies that have come out since its initial release. I found in the past that too many copies can lessen the original. I’m happy …
Totally original, totally inventive movie. Edgar Wright is at the top of his game. Endlessly funny, wonderfully creative. I only wish it performed better at the box office so there could have been a sequel. Michael Cera is perfect; Kieran Culkin steals every scene he’s in.
“It’s cool. It’s not boring. Want to watch it again.”